
وبلاگ گروهى فانوس خبرچين؛ خبرگزاری وبلاگ‌شهر

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سانسور در خوابگرد



نقطه ته خط


Tuesday, December 21, 2004

سلام به همه دوستان؛
بعلت گرفتاری کاری و ...خیلی دیر به دیر اینجا رو آپدیت می‌کنم. خواستم به دوستان بگم که من خوبم و اگر نگران من شدید می‌توانید به فانوس سری بزنید، آنجا حتما اثراتی از من خواهید دید! البته سعی خودم هم این است که تاحد امکان وقتم را برای فانوس بگذارم!

با لطف نقطه ته خط عزیز (که دیگه نقطه دات کام شده!) فانوسمان لوگو دار شد! هر کدام از دوستان که قصد حمایت از فانوس رو دارند میتونن این لوگو رو در وبلاگشون قرار بدهند!

وبلاگ             گروهى فانوس

گزارش تصویری منو از سفرم به پاریس و برج ایفل در فانوس بخونید.

در ضمن فال حافظی هم در شب یلدا گرفتم که در فانوس پستش کردم!

دوستانی که تعطیلات سال نو میلادی دارند براشون تعطیلات خوبی آرزو میکنم!

این هم یک جوک دوبله نشده برای حسن ختام: (فقط لطفا کامل بخونیدش چون بخش اول برای خیلی‌ها ممکنه آشنا باشه!)


One day a man was having a conversation with god when his whole life flashed before his eyes as a series of footsteps on the sands of time. He saw that there were two pairs of footprints, but during the most difficult periods of his life there were only one set of footprints. He asked god "You said you will be with me throughout this journey, but why have you deserted me during the most critical times of my life??" to which god answered "Son,I did not desert you, I was always with see only one set of footprints because during those difficult times in your life, I was carrying you"

Another day a S/w Programmer was having a similar conversation with his PM when his whole project flashed before his eyes as a series of footsteps on the sands of time. He saw that there were two pairs of footprints, but during the most difficult times in the project there were only one set of footprints. He asked his PM "You said you will be with me throughout the project, but why have you deserted me during the most critical times of the project??" to which the PM answered "Son, I did not desert you, I was always with see only one set of footprints because during those difficult times, I was sitting on your head!!"

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